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We Can Play Too

Updated: Apr 29, 2019

Play by definition is to ' engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose'. It is said in an online article, (attached below) that we as adults, should be playing for social benefits and connections. Play should feel good and oppose stress like symptoms and even including play within a workplace encourages creative problem solving and general better performance when an individual is in a 'state of play'.

We forget to include 'play' within a workplace and as we 'grow up' we restrict ourselves to embody a certain persona that has been made up for us by societal norms. Are the risks we take as adults frowned upon due them being 'whimsical desires'. Will I disappoint others by not doing something that is seen as successful? What is being successful or unsuccessful? And how do we continue to incorporate play within not only the work place however day to day lives.

This is what Emanciplay is trying to manifest. The embodiment of play. The restrictions of play. How can it be normalised and ultimately how can you normalise it within your own capacity?

'Societal success' may not define my future; Play must.


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